3rd October 2018

Bruno Rixen (Rixen Founder), Dr. Richard Söhnchen (new Rixen Owner) and Jose Antonio Perez Priego (IWWF President)
The Sale of of Rixen to Dr. Richard Söhnchen took place in early September 2018. Dr Richard Söhnchen, managing sole shareholder of the Autision Group in Munich, is a cable wakeboard and waterski enthusiast. The Autision Group consists of autonomous companies with over 120 employees operating in special machine construction for robotics and measurement technology. Over the last 5 years the group has received 10 Innovation Awards.
IWWF President Jose Antonio Perez Priego attended the handover ceremony between Bruno Rixen, the founder of Rixen, and Dr. Richard Söhnchen at Waterski Park Aschheim this past weekend. Bruno Rixen was honored for his lifetime achievement during the handover ceremony. Bruno Rixen, the inventor of Rixen, “has handed over his lifetime achievement to a group that stands for investment reliability and long-term advancement.”
Dr. Richard Söhnchen shared with Jose Antonio that his reasons for purchasing Rixen are “50% passion and 50% business.”
“IWWF is very happy to see that the Rixen company, the cornerstone of our sport, is now in good hands and is poised to continue its innovation heritage with Dr. Soehnchen at the forefront of a new technical revolution”, said Jose Antonio Perez Priego.
About the IWWF: The International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation (IWWF) is the world governing body for towed watersports and has 91 affiliated Federations worldwide. It was founded in 1946 in Geneva, Switzerland. It is recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as the sole authority for towed watersports. The IWWF is an affiliate member of the Association of IOC Recognized International Sports Federation (ARISF) and the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF). The IWWF’s sports disciplines include, amongst others, Tournament Waterskiing (slalom, tricks & jump), Wakeboard, Cable Wakeboard, Cable Waterskiing, Disabled Waterskiing, Show Skiing, Ski Racing, Barefoot Waterskiing & Wakesurfing